Botox and Mental Health:A Vulnerable Look at Beauty and Happiness
In a world where we are constantly told to love ourselves and our flaws, it can be hard to unhook from the societal pressure to be perfect. I am no stranger to this pressure, and understand the added weight of image and reputation in my personal and professional life. However, I want to take a look at the ways in which beauty treatments like Botox can actually improve our mental health. So often we are shamed for seeking out these treatments, but I firmly believe that investing in our own happiness and self-confidence is key to living a fulfilling life.
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research has demonstrated that Botox can actually help alleviate depression.
When we smile, our brains release endorphins that make us feel happy. However, when we frown, our brains are triggered to release cortisol, a stress hormone that can make us feel negative emotions. By relaxing the muscles that cause frown lines, Botox can help prevent the negative emotions that come along with overuse of these muscles. So, in essence, having a more relaxed and neutral facial expression can quite literally lead to better mental health.
The American Society of Plastic Surgery
“Aesthetic treatment with injectables was associated with significant improvements in patient-reported psychological and social functioning and reductions in appearance-related distress. This change underlines the value of these therapies for improving psychosocial health in well-selected patients.”
investing in beauty treatments can actually be an act of self-care, which in turn leads to better mental health outcomes. Taking the time and effort to invest in ourselves says that we are worth it, that we matter. When we feel good about ourselves, we are more likely to engage in positive self-talk and make healthier choices in our daily lives. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, getting a facial, or getting Botox injections, taking care of ourselves increases our self-worth, confidence, and happiness.
The Journal of American Society of Plastic Surgery
The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The practice of aesthetic medicine improves the health of patients by improving the mental and social dimensions that are central to this definition. Aesthetic treatment with injectables was associated with significant improvements in patient-reported psychological and social functioning and reductions in appearance-related distress. This emphasizes the value of these treatments as a means of improving overall health—which has important mental and social dimensions in addition to the obvious physical components
Botox can also help improve our relationships with others and with ourselves (goes hand in hard right?). When we look good, we feel good. Feeling confident and comfortable in our own skin makes us more approachable, open, and friendly. This translates to better relationships with others, as we are more likely to engage in positive social interactions when we feel good about ourselves. So, investing in Botox could actually lead to better communication, improved romantic relationships, and more fulfilling friendships.
The Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery
“The main findings of this study found that females who use botox for aesthetic purposes are motivated by personal psychological gains (intrapersonal attributes) rather than social gains (interpersonal factors). In other words, they do not believe that having botox will equate to being treated any better by other people but would rather provide them with confidence and satisfaction regarding their self-image.”
Botox can also help us in our professional lives. As someone who deals with high-pressure business situations, I know how much of a difference a confident and calm demeanor can make. When we are constantly worried about our appearance, we are less likely to focus on the task at hand. By getting a little help from Botox, we can feel more at ease and confident in our own skin, which in turn leads to better decision-making and higher productivity. One study reported…
Though Botox doesn’t directly impact job performance, the boost to your self confidence may make you bolder at work. In fact, most men and many women who receive Botox cite staying competitive at work as a reason for undergoing the injections. As the working population ages, Botox is helping businessmen and women stay looking their best in board meetings, client pitches, and sales meetings.
it’s important to acknowledge the cultural pressures that exist around beauty and aging. We are often told that we should age gracefully and accept our flaws, which can be a difficult message to reconcile with the pressures we feel to maintain our youth and beauty. However, I think it’s important to understand that it’s okay to want to look and feel our best, whatever that may look like for each individual. It’s okay to invest in ourselves and our happiness, regardless of how others may judge us for it.
Dr Frances Prenna Jones has experience of this in her clinic….
'With all patients, it's not just about how they look, but how the way they look makes them . Many people come to see me with a lack of self-confidence, or just needing "something", and it is often triggered by life-changing events. After a series of treatments, we note a change in the mood of the patient, and, more importantly, they notice a difference.'
At the end of the day...
At the end of the day, I believe that investing in our own happiness and self-worth is crucial to living a fulfilling life. While many may criticize the use of beauty treatments like Botox, I hope that this vulnerable look at its mental health benefits has given you pause to consider its potential positive impacts. Whether it’s through a Botox injection or any other form of self-care, I urge you to invest in yourself and to prioritize your own emotional well-being. After all, a happier and more confident you is a better you, for yourself and for those around you.
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