Self-Care Sunday: Outdoors and to the beautiful Gardens we go!

The Benefits of Sunday Self-Care Outdoors and In the Gardens
Sunday Self-Care Outdoors is a day meant for relaxation and rejuvenation. What better way to lift your spirits than to spend some time outdoors? The benefits of being outside on our physical and mental health are numerous, and it’s essential to take advantage of this to enhance your self-care routine. In this blog post, we will explore the power of being in gardens, the mood and mindset improvements you can provide yourself, and the joys of enjoying time with friends and family outside on Self Care Sunday.

Studies demonstrate that spending time in gardens brings a range of benefits to your overall wellness. A research conducted by Psychological Science has shown that people who live in homes with gardens had better psychological well-being than those without. The natural environment provides a sense of relaxation and reduces stress levels, which ultimately leads to happier moods and improved mental health. Do you have a garden, backyard, or a local park nearby? Take advantage of it, find yourself a comfortable sitting area outside, and take time to admire the beauty provided by the natural world around you.
Studies also show that walks in rural settings, in the forest, or in areas of seclusion have more psychological benefits, and reduce stress significantly more, than the same walk for the same amount of time- in an urban setting. Most likely because, as we all know, if you take a walk in an inner city or urban setting, there is a lot of people, noise, traffic, and other factors that make the experience less relaxing. So, where you choose to spend your time is important to reap the benefits of a relaxing during your Sunday Self-Care Outdoors!

Have you ever heard of the term ‘Forest Bathing’? It is used to describe the practice of being fully immersed in nature. Another study on Forest Bathing revealed that there is scientific evidence that being outside significantly affects the human brain and nervous system.
Not near a garden or forest? Try creating your own oasis! Gardening can also provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose, as well as a therapeutic outlet for our emotions. Research has shown that gardening and exposure to a green environment lead to a higher sense of well-being and an improved mood. Gardening indoors has become a hot trend as well, so even if you don’t have the space outdoors, you can experience Sunday Self-Care Outdoors, around plants in your own home!
Sunday Self-Care Outdoors is an excellent opportunity to catch up with friends and family, enjoy a picnic, or even take part in group outdoor activities. Time spent with special people in your life amongst natural surroundings can positively impact your well-being. When at home, it’s easy to get caught up in daily tasks and forget to make time for meaningful relationships. Don’t forget to bring along comfy blankets, cushions, and a tasty spread of snacks to make the experience even more enjoyable. Bring your friends or family with you and enjoy connecting with them while feeling refreshed and revitalized. Surrounding yourself with loved ones can help to boost feelings of happiness and connectedness, both of which are essential to overall well-being. Whether it’s a picnic in the park or a hike through the woods, sharing these experiences with others can provide a sense of purpose, joy and serenity.
If you’re looking for a break from work stress or the intensity of daily life, then spending time outside is an excellent place to start. The mental and physical benefits are numerous, and it’s an affordable and enjoyable way to practice self-care. Even if you don’t have greenery close by, finding a quiet corner outside can have the same effect on your body and mind. Whenever possible, make time for some outdoor activities on Self Care Sunday because it could make a huge difference in your overall health and well-being.

Every Sunday, I (try!) to make it a habit to make time for myself to unwind and relax from hectic work schedules. As someone who works in a large level one trauma center in the inner city of Richmond and have an overall very busy life, I have tried to make it a priority to disconnect and make time for me on Sunday. I live within proximity to a beautiful garden and enjoy taking a walk and experiencing the beautiful surroundings. The greenery and clear sky naturally bring a sense of calm to me, and it’s precisely what I need to wind down, reflect, and rejuvenate. I also love entertaining friends and family outdoors, where we can connect and bond over delicious food and good conversation. Self-Care Sunday is about connecting with nature, with one’s self, and with loved ones.
If you live in Richmond, VA, some great places to visit include:
VMFA- The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
is a great website that gives you information like where to go, places to bike or walk, or scenic views to visit. This website also includes pertinent information like water levels, trail conditions, calendar of events, weather, and more.
The Oasis- You can’t forget about us! One of the reasons we created the Oasis, and how The Oasis got its name, is because of the scenery surrounding the medical spa. We wanted a space that could be appreciated by our clients, a place that gave our clients a place to truly relax, and breathe deeply. One of the benefits of visiting us at the Oasis is you have the opportunity to stay and enjoy any of the gardens on the property, sit on the terrace and just enjoy the countryside. We chose the location over a strip mall location or downtown location because it provides true relaxation and benefits far beyond what most medical spas provide.
Our care for our clients goes beyond providing you a wrinkle free face or collagen building treatments, we are providing an overall wellness experience for our clients- starting with the grounds of The Oasis. By booking an appointment with us, you are able to enjoy 25 acres surrounded by 400 acres of woodland- a place of true serenity and tranquility that allows you to focus on you.

In conclusion, being outside is vital to our well-being, and it should be an essential part of Self Care Sunday. A key important aspect of this is do not make It stressful. By this I mean, you don’t have to make it an “official” thing, don’t create stress in planning outdoor time, because that takes away from the benefits of the activity. Also, it does not have to be an all-day thing- 20 minutes can do wonders for the mind and body. So, whether you’re enjoying greenery, engaging in group activities, or merely spending quality time with people who matter, make time to venture outdoors. Remember, nature is there to help us unwind and recharge to enjoy a better and more fulfilled life. Make Self Care Sunday a date with nature from now on.

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