Sunday Self Care:Top 10 reasons to fall in love with trail running

Fall in Love with the ultimate self-care Sunday activity: Trail Running
I’m always striving to find ways that make me feel better and help support my mental & physical health. But it’s not just about doing something good for myself – the activities should also be enjoyable! I used to dread running and never thought it would be something that I’d come to love. It was one of those activities I did because I felt like I had to, not because I wanted to. But, two years ago my whole world changed when an opportunity arose for me to try trail running – which completely changed what “running” meant to me. Trail runs have since become a powerful self-care practice filled with adventure; both physically challenging out in nature and deeply healing inside of myself as well! In this post, let’s dig into 10 reasons why hitting the trails is such an incredible journey for recharging body, mind & soul 🌲

1. Spend Time in the great outdoors
You get outside: Spending time in nature has countless benefits for your mental health. Being surrounded by greenery and fresh air can help reduce stress and anxiety, boost your mood, and increase feelings of well-being. Studies show Nature-based group walks appear to mitigate the effects of stressful life events on perceived stress and negative affect while synergizing with physical activity to improve positive affect and mental well-being.

2. Full Body Workout
It’s a full-body workout: Trail running involves more muscles and more challenging terrain than road running. This means you’re getting a killer workout for your whole body. One interview explained trail running as a full body workout because “The resistance of running uphill improves leg strength. Uneven ground improves ankle strength, flexibility and balance. Having to vary stride length to deal with roots and rocks improves agility and coordination. Running down steep hills improves leg speed and conditions muscles against impact…”

3. Low Impact, Big Results
Trails are low-impact: Trail running is easier on your joints than road running. The natural terrain is more forgiving than concrete, which means you may be able to run longer without experiencing pain or injury. Despite the uneven terrain, trail running actually has shown benefit to strengthening the legs and joints including ankles and knees. A recent article which interviewed a personal trainer mentioned that trail running is overall less impactful to your joints:
Your joints feel less strain and impact when you run on trails than they normally would on pavements and roads. When your feet hit the ground, the softer ground absorbs a lot of the force that would have travelled through your leg and into your knees”.

4. Untangle the Mind
It’s a form of meditation: Trail running requires your complete concentration. This means that it can be meditative in the same way that sitting down to meditate can be. You focus solely on your breath and the trail, which allows you to let go of distractions and be present in the moment. Trail running literally helps to untangle the brain.
One study show that a group of study participants completed a brisk 90-minute walk in a natural setting; the other group took their walk, of the same duration and intensity, in an urban setting. Upon returning to the lab, the nature-walkers not only self-reported decreased rumination, but fMRI scans of their brains also showed decreased neural activity in an area of the brain associated with mental illness (the subgenual prefrontal cortex). The walk literally changed their brain. The urban-walkers, however, experienced neither of these effects.
“It seems that there is something about physical activity outdoors, in a natural setting, that decreases worry, anxiety, and other negative thoughts,” says Greg Bratman, lead author of the study. He noted that thanks to new fMRI technology, “We could actually see these changes in the brain. It was fascinating.”

5. Sweet Victories from the challenge of Trail Running
It’s a challenge: There’s no denying that trail running can be tough. But that challenge is part of what makes it so rewarding. Overcoming obstacles and pushing yourself to go a little further or a little faster can be incredibly empowering.

6. Friends with Benefits
It’s a way to connect with others: Trail running has a great community of people who are always happy to welcome in newcomers. By joining a running group or signing up for a trail race, you can meet some amazing people who share your interest in health and wellness.

7. Your Mind will thank you
It eases anxiety and depression: There’s something cathartic about getting outside and moving your body, especially in a natural setting. Studies have shown that exposure to green spaces can lower symptoms of anxiety and depression. In one study, participants reported improved life satisfaction, increased mindfulness, self-efficacy, and decreases in the perception of stressful demands.

8. Wonderlust
It boosts creativity: Exercise has been proven to boost creativity, and running specifically improves memory and learning. Combine that with being surrounded by nature, and you have the perfect recipe for creative inspiration . Dr. Hillary Cauthen, Psy.D., CMPC, executive board member for the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. “Because of the varying movements, and the excitement of what’s to come, trail running has a beautiful quality of activating creativity and imagination,” she adds. “Being in this wanderlust situation, and moving in a somewhat childlike way, allows freedom and creativity to come to you.”

9. Escape Reality
It’s a way to escape: Trail running takes you away from the noise and chaos of the city. It’s just you, the trail, and the great outdoors. This escape can be incredibly restorative, giving you a chance to recharge and reset. Your mind, your body, you….you will like it. Studies show forest environments could lower concentrations of cortisol, lower pulse rate, lower blood pressure, increase parasympathetic nerve activity, and lower sympathetic nerve activity compared with city settings.
The results of the physiological measurements suggest that (forest bathing) can aid in effectively relaxing the human body, and the psychological effects of forest areas have been correlated with the various physical environmental factors of forest.

10. The Ultimate Self-Care
It’s a form of self-care: Above all, trail running is a way to prioritize your well-being. It’s time you carve out for yourself, to do something that you enjoy and that makes you feel good. It’s a reminder that you deserve to take care of yourself. Studies show that in general, forest bathing(the practice of being outside in the forest) improves your overall wellbeing, and has overall several preventative benefits to one’s health.
Additionally, studies show that those who are more exposed to the outdoors, including the forest and nature, have lower mortality rates (>12% lower) and overall improved health.
Personally, I love Taking on trails with someone as it is a thrilling way to experience nature and get in some quality time with your best friend, spouse, or running buddy . But safety first: let someone know the specifics of where you’re headed, how long it’ll take you so they can alert somebody if something should go awry during your excursion. That extra layer of security gives is peace-of-mind when hitting the dirt!
Trail running may not be for everyone, but for me, it’s been a game-changer. It’s given me a way to take care of my mental and physical health while also having fun and challenging myself.
If you’re looking for a new form of self-care, I highly recommend giving it a try. Even if it’s just a short jog through your local park, you never know how much it could improve your mood and overall well-being.
#aestheticwellness #trailrunning #theoasis #theoasismedspa #selfcare #wellness #antiaging